Episode 4: BJ Sbarra (and Thunderpup) is here to inspire you.

On Episode 4, I hang out in BJ Sbarra’s kitchen fending off his vicious dog, Thunderpup, while he goes on and on and on about his big deal website, splitterchoss.com. Ooh, Outside Magazine’s Top Ten Climbing Blog list, ooh, seven years old, ooh launched my internet career. Blah, blah, blah, BARK. Anyway, we talk about the future of internet media and why we are both selfless princes among men. Check it.


Episode 3: Kelly Cordes is livin' life disaster style.

In episode 3, I park the Enormocast headquarters outside the Alpinist headquarters to talk with alpinist and internet sensation Kelly Cordes. Kelly reports on the old daze and new days in Estes Park, Colorado, the Ouray Icefest, and the world’s most inappropriate Halloween costume. Always a pleasure to talk with this simple, yet complicated, dark, yet illuminated, man (and his haircut).

Too much is never enough- more Kelly:

Patagonia’s the Cleanest Line

Kelly’s Personal Blog

Kelly’s Mullet