Episode 208: Margo Talbot – Climbing Through the Pain.

On Episode 208 of the Enormocast, I have a very enjoyable and inspiring talk with ice climber and author, Margo Talbot. Margo is Canadian and based out of Canmore, Alberta. In her memoir, All That Glitters, Margo reveals that she had a youth of drug addiction, depression, and suicidal tendencies but found climbing ice to be therapy she needed to start to face her demons. Instead of using climbing to hide her trauma, ice climbing gave her strength to dig at the roots of her addiction and depression. Finally overcoming her loneliness and darkness with the help of good friends, deep introspection, and the peaks surrounding Canmore, Margo now helps teach others to heal their own trauma by her example.

More about Margo: margotalbot.com

Episode 194: Dru Mack – Getting Out of His Own Way.

On Episode 194, I sit down in Denver, Colorado with Louisville, KY native and Red River Gorge climber, Dru Mack. Dru is a youngish climber and coach who dropped roots in the Red as a kid, and now uses the base he gained there to tick hard sport pitches and boulders worldwide. At an early age, Dru experienced therapy for clinical anxiety, and he now can bring that experience to bear coaching kids not just in climbing, but finding their way in the complicated world of adolescence. Also, Dru is one of those seemingly rare climbers with a love of a ball sport, namely basketball, and apparently he has some actual skill? He uses the inspiration from that sport to drive his goals in climbing.

Dru in the Red

Episode 191: Dakota Walz – From Catch Outs to Runouts.

On Episode 191 of the Enormocast, I sit down with climber, author, and avid urban adventurer, Dakota Walz. Dakota grew up in the Midwest, Fargo and Kansas City, but longed for adventure beyond the confines of the flat lands. First finding adventure in urban climbing and train hopping and then turning to climbing, Dakota eventually found that all that crazy, aimless seeking was a dead end. Each trip and each adrenaline high was only masking a deep feeling of dread and disembodiment inside. Finally, Dakota found a level of balance in the love and security of a wife and a home, but is still running and gunning as an EMT in Denver, Colorado, and a manic first ascensionist.

Shred All Fear

Dakota’s Book: Everything I Loved More