Enormocast 231: Gowri Varanashi – Bringing It All Back Home

On Episode 231 of the Enormocast, I connect to the other side of the world with Indian climber, Gowri Varanashi. Gowri learned to climb in the US but fell in love with climbing in her home country of India. Immediately, she felt the need to bring more women into the small, male-dominated climbing community in India. Her efforts at CLAW (Climb Like a Woman) have not only introduced women to the nascent Indian climbing world, but also broken down barriers against women’s participation in outdoor pursuits in general. Now one of the top climbers in India herself, her pioneering efforts mean to transform her world for the better.

Enormocast 230: Paul Pritchard – The Tao of Paul

On Episode 230, I connect with Paul Pritchard all the way from Tasmania. Paul’s new book The Mountain Path: A Climbers Journey Through Life and Death examines his life of climbing and life-changing accident on the Totem Pole in Tasmania through the lens of his scholarship in Buddhism. Paul came of age in Wales climbing during the storied era of the dole climbers: living hand to mouth and climbing the hardest, scariest routes ever conceived. Pritchard went on to climb alpine and rock routes worldwide until he was hit by rockfall on a fateful day in 1998 while on the Totem Pole. Paul became hemiplegic, fought to regain speech, and looked into the abyss before realizing that he had a hell of a lot of living still left to do. In the 22 years since, Paul has climbed again, had many epic adventures all over the world, started a family, and learned to love that rock that clocked him in the skull and set him on the path towards an enlightened outlook.

Enormocast 229.5: REBROADCAST of Luke Mehall’s Dirtbag State of Mind Podcast with Chris Kalous.

On Episode 229.5 of the Enormocast, I rebroadcast an interview I did with Luke Mehall over at his podcast The Dirtbag State of Mind Podcast. In this interview, we spend time on the history of the Enormocast, its current state and its future. I get all mushy about what its meant to me and how doing the Enormocast worked into my life and made me a more connected part of the community. And, of course, we have some laughs.