Episode 35: Jen Olson- Lucky Number 7.

Jen Olson getting cold.

On Episode 35 of the Enormocast, I lure Canadian climber Jen Olson to my closet with promises of glory. After giving her the tour of two thirds of the Bromuda Triangle (Rifle, Black Canyon, but not Indian Creek), Jen finally agreed to get on the mic and fill us in on how she ended up becoming such an accomplished alpinist. Jen tells us how she didn’t need no stinkin’ boyfriend to show her the ropes, and how she became the 7th Canadian woman to receive her international guiding certification, and managed to climb a little ice and rock in between. Jen Olson: as Canadian as Roller Skates and Duct tape.

Jen’s Blog

Jen On Facebook

Jen’s Guiding Website




live ecast
Me and JT on stage at Steve’s Guitars. Photo: Andrew Bisharat

On this very special episode of the Enormocast, I post up a virtually unedited recording of the very first Live Enormocast. Recorded Saturday morning, April 27th at Steve’s Guitars in Carbondale, and during the 5Point Film Festival, the Live Ecast features guests Jonathan Thesenga, Kelly Cordes, Austin Siadak, Anson Fogel, and Jeff Hollenbaugh. Also, Sonnie Trotter makes and appearance via satellite. Every bump, click, clap, shout, laugh is here. Enjoy!

Forge Studios (Anson Fogel) Vimeo Page

Austin Siadak’s Blog


Kelly Cordes’ Blog



Episode 33: Jonathan Siegrist- Born to be a bad (and by that, we mean good).

J Siegrist, AKA JStar, below the Diamond in Colorado.
Jonathan, AKA JStar, below the Diamond in Colorado.

On Episode 33 of the Enormocast, I lure yet another subject to the Rodeway Inn in Salt Lake City (I think I deserve a couple free nights for all this publicity, eh?). Wunderkind Jonathan Siegrist sits down to reveal his climbing pedigree and a stunning background on big routes. He tells of early beat-downs in the mountains, and later beat-downs on El Cap. In between, he manages to climb a few routes and put up a few more. This toenail painting tough guy finally won my heart with a humble attitude and a reverence for his peers and mentors. Prepare to be swept off your feet like a prom queen after her 7th lemondrop shot.

Jonathan’s Blog

Jonathan New Routing in Idaho

5 Second Film: Planking