Episode 52: Lynn Hill- Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. Part 2.

Lynn using Eye-of-tiger style on a rare short-person ascent of Midnight Lightning.
Lynn using Eye-of-tiger style on a rare short-person ascent of Midnight Lightning.

On Episode 52, we wrap up the second half of my epic interview with Lynn Hill. See Part 1 here. Believing that she could do it was all that it really took for Lynn to free the Nose in 1993, and again in a day in 1994 (nearly 20 years ago! Holy crap!). This feat cemented her legacy as one of the greatest ever to pull on a pair of rock slippers. She also fills us in on dinking, Tub Talks, and who inspires her in the current women’s climbing scene.

Lynn’s Website.



Episode 51: Lynn Hill- Ain’t No Mountain High Enough. Part 1

Me, Asa, and yes, that's Lynn Hill, at the Psicobloc comp in Park City.
Lynn, Asa Firestone, and little ol’ me at the Psicobloc comp this summer.

On Episode 51, I have posted up the first half of a far-reaching interview with legend Lynn Hill. In this installment, Lynn talks about her near death experience, her beginnings in So Cal, and her association with some of the greats from those halcyon days in the 70s in Josh. She also reveals why she was so attracted to John Long (spoiler: its the muscles).

Buy her book at lynnhillclimbing.com


Episode 50: Chris Kalous- Dancing with myself.

Chris Kalous & Sam Lightner Jr, The Ivory Tower 5.13b, Castleton Tower, UT
Photo: Andy Burr

On Episode 50, Brendan Leonard returns to the show for an interview with your not-so-humble host, Chris Kalous. Chris talks about his strange premeditated journey to climbing, his vision for the Enormocast, and even manages NOT to say Free Rider, or the Black Canyon (but a couple Indian Creeks do slip in). You asked for it, now open up and say “Ahhhh”.

GMF: John Grant (go buy this song).

Semi-rad.com (go buy Brendan’s book).