Episode 12: Girl, you'll be a woman soon (remix).

Hey, Sugar, mind if I check your knot?

On Episode 12, I am joined by two lovely ladies, Gracyn and Tracy, in the home studio to hash out why its so hard for guys and girls to just be climbing buds. Gracyn thinks every guy wants her, I cop to being in love with every climbing partner I’ve ever had- male or female, and Tracy just looks on in horror. Its ladies night at the Enormocast, and the feeling is oh so right.

More Knowledge from Tracy!


Episode 11: What has two arms, one leg, and climbs like a mofo? Craig Demartino.

Episode 11 is EPIC! Craig Demartino takes us blow by blow through his climbing accident which culminates (spoiler alert!) in losing his leg. He fights to survive, then he fights to regain his life, then fights to climb better than he ever did. The real deal doesn’t even come close to describing this guy. Guts, determination, and unconditional love all bring him through. Be inspired. In fact, if this doesn’t inspire you, you may be a soulless android. Stab yourself in the hand, does it hurt? Okay, you’re human after all.

Craig on Insta

Followup on Craig’s successful ascent of El Cap


Episode 10: On our movie date, Kelly Cordes explains the coward's guide to alpinism.


On the first double-digit episode of the Enormocast, co-host Kelly Cordes and I discuss the the films we saw at the 5Point Film Fest and outdoor film making in general. We end up deciding that climbers are the nerds of extreme sports. Turns out that big wave surfers and big falls kayakers are way, way cooler than climbers and ultra-runners are far tougher. Kelly also repeats the word “porn” enough times to make me uncomfortable.

Links to some of the films we rant about:

Aquadettes, Racing the End, Code Red, Cold, Obe and Ashima, Dark Side of the Lens, Kadoma