Episode 139: Joe Grant – Analyzing the Simple.

On Episode 139 of the Enormocast, I sit down with mountain runner, or running explorer, or climber runner, or just plain runner, Joe Grant. Joe and I connected at a fundraising event for the Salt Lake Climbers Alliance in Salt Lake City, and while Joe was telling me about his running passion and long distance jones, I said, “Stop! Do you want to do this on an Enormocast?!” Luckily, Joe said yes, and here we are. I try and mine Joe for the secrets of mile 80, when the legs are done, the joints hurt, the mind is cracking and the runner keeps going. How do you do it, Joe? I’m not sure we get the magic bullet, but Joe’s insights do illuminate the drive we have in the mountains, on long routes, and big days. Joe also tells the story of his human powered expedition to climb all the Colorado 14ers. Ironically, Joe remains in awe of hard climbing while we will remain in awe of him.

Joe’s Website.


Episode 135: Arno Ilgner – Climbing Deep.

On Episode 135 of the Enormocast, I sit down with author and trainer, Arno Ilgner. Arno is probably most famous for his book, The Rock Warrior’s Waybut he is also known for his fearsome routes in the Southeast and beyond. Ilgner found himself at a crossroads 22 years ago and unsatisfied with just climbing and working, and he began a study of mental training that lead him to creating a program for climbers to harness fear, be attentive, climb better, and live more fulfilling lives. Now two decades later, The Warriors Way has become legendary for taking beginners to some of the best climbers around and shaping them into better and more satisfied climbers. Open your mind to one of the deeper convos the Enormocast has encountered in a long while, and let Arno lay some knowledge on you to help keep those shakes at bay.

The Warriors Way Website

Episode 134: Graham Zimmerman – Both Sides of the Lens.

On Episode 134, I sit down with alpinist and filmmaker, Graham Zimmerman. Graham has found the magic mix of working in the outdoor industry and still getting to go on trip after trip to the high alpine. The secret is working both sides of the lens as a crack mountaineer and a dedicated film auteur. Despite his relatively young age, Graham imparts sage advice on how to get into making outdoor films and how to live, love, and learn in the big mountains, and he’s learned from the best, like recent Enormocast guest, Steve Swenson. And while he is as serious about climbing as an Olde E shortage in Camp 4, Graham can still laugh at our idiotic sport.

Graham’s Website

Above the Fray

Engaging the Curve