Episode 31: Hayden Kennedy + Andrew Bisharat + PBR = Frothy Climbing Spray.

Hayden fixed line

Ho, Man! On Episode 31 of the Enormocast I lure Andrew Bisharat and Hayden Kennedy into the closet for an old-fashioned bro-down. Andrew and I discuss whether or not the recent ascent of La Dura Dura, AKA the hard hard hardest route in the world, even matters. Hayden tells the story of his Piolet d’Or nominated ascent of the Ogre in Pakistan. I debase myself by begging Steve House and Josh Wharton to come on the show. And so much more. A return to form from the early days of the Enormocast: beer-fueled climbing spray!

Doug Scott on the Ogre

Perhaps the gnarliest mountaineering photo of all time

2013 Piolet d’Or nominees


12 Replies to “Episode 31: Hayden Kennedy + Andrew Bisharat + PBR = Frothy Climbing Spray.”

  1. I have several “comfort episodes” of the enormocast, but this one has singlehandedly gotten me through a finals week/break up combo. RIP Hayden, thanks for the laughs guys. I would’ve been suffering like a 3rd world dog without you.

  2. Listening to this podcast late but the talk about the PTSD with Hayden is hard to listen to knowing how life has played out for him. I am just your standard climbing dad and I know a few people that died. It is definitely something that sticks with you and changes the way you look at things

  3. Well, to be clear, we only listened to Hayden talk about the Karakoram Highway while they worked on a webquest about the region. They loved Hayden’s storytelling!

  4. Chris, long time listener first time commenter. Recently played this episode to my World Geography students for our unit on South Asia. Corrupting the youth. Thanks!

  5. I think the Hayden and Andrew Combo make for the best cast. You guys all compliment each other so well, even when off topic joking around.

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