Hola! Bienvenidos al Episodio 32 con Paige Claassen. I am taking time out of my precious Euro climbing vacation to post this up for you! On this installment, I meet up with Paige in a seedy hotel in Salt Lake City during the darkest days of winter to find out what makes her tick. She fills us in on how to stay motivated, how to hang on until it hurts, and how to win friends and influence people. She also talks about how to navigate the moral landmines of the heathen climbing world as a believer. Prepare to get your crush on!
A Nice Video Profile of Paige by Celin Serbo
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Think I found that boulder field on the border of Argetina on Google maps – https://www.google.com/maps/@-32.8140795,-70.0403609,3a,75y,344.07h,85.58t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1szVdXs211awXXP9D-zoKK4Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
In that general area, but there is one down the road a few clicks on the Argentina side that has some boulders more in a grassy field, not so much the moraine. Or at least in my minds eye.
thats two for two with the podcasts recorded right before the Send!
Despite that, thanks for doing what you’re doing Kalous, great stuff
It’s almost like the Enormocast bump applies directly to your climbing. Get mentioned on the show, climb harder.
I need a bump! Can I be on the show?
Sorry. Too late. Just went on Usada’s list for performance enhancing drugs.