On Episode 280 of the Enormocast we present the 2024 Taps edition of the Enormocast. This is the annual episode where we lay to rest traditions, foibles, and notions in climbing that are either sadly going to sleep never to reawaken, or should be put to bed for good. The Enormocast is joined by our returning arbiters: Andrew Bisharat of Evening Sends and The Runout Podcast, former interview guest Mary Harlan, and Andy Salo from Wolverine Publishing. On the docket on this rollicking episode are the rise of McGyms, the death of sleeping in the dirt, why we need to put to bed the Gym to Crag initiatives, gatekeeping, and so much more. All fun, mostly joking, mildly offensive, this year’s Taps will not disappoint the fans and newbies alike.
PSA: The following podcast contains adult language coupled with childish humor. Male and female genitalia may be referenced. We talk about sex, baby. If you take climbing and your place in it very very seriously, the royal we here at the Enormocast suggest that you skip this one. We will also be taking climbing seriously again on the next episode of the Enormocast coming soon.
A Brief History of Taps (the song)
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We need Crag-to-Gym 2024 T-shirts
Haha. There’s some similar stickers out there, but I don’t know if the joke lands without the maniacal laughter in the background.
Love the Brad Gobright reference! Keep the spirit of climbing alive
First off, great episode, TAPS always delivers hope it continues on ’till the sun burns out.
Secondly, I think I may have some insight on the whole day flash bullshit. I’ve spent most of my life skateboarding, and the term “first try” is used a lot in that culture, even when describing a trick that someone has tried before, or even landed before, but not that particular day. A good amount of the time, the emphasis on calling out that the trick was landed first try that day(similar to day flash), is to draw attention to how easy the trick felt in comparison to the failures of previous days spent attempting said trick.
Obviously climbing and skating aren’t the same thing, and the term day flash is probably just a good ol’ ego stroking mechanism for people who care too much about others opinions, but I figured I’d put this out there for consideration.
Ahhh. Cool perspective. Now that I think about it, there’s actually science to the day flash. Sleep is a big factor in the body learning complex physical actions. Any musician has experienced the same phenomena of a difficult piece flowing after a sleep.